Sunday, September 30, 2018

Moving to Pathbrite!

If you are coming to class, you will know already that we are moving all our class information to
You will access using your Google account. It is free... you will create your own portfolio, access the instructor portfolio for your section of class, and will use the assignment section to upload your finished classwork!

I am excited to start using this format for Computer Literacy. It is exciting to have a new way to communicate, and you will like this as well. 

I will hand out the class code to you during our next class period, please be in attendance. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Week 2 of Intro to Computers

Hello, All!

The first week of class went smoothly, at least from my perspective. Students were informed of numerous sites we will use for learning, including Pathbrite, which is a wonderful site to be able to see your assignments and to upload your work. as a keyboard learning tool was used, and will be used throughout our school year. It is a wonderful tool to use and understand the correct way to position your hands, and the easiest way to learn keyboarding techniques.

Our Blog and our Facebook page will be handy tools as well. We can keep in touch this way, so feel free to comment here or on our other pages. If you have a question, it is probably better to email it to me directly, and now you have Gmail accounts, we can all use that method to communicate.

Speaking of Google, now that you have a Google account, there is so much more to use in the realm of the Google world. Blogger is where our class blog is of course, but there is also G+, Google Drive, Google Maps, Youtube, finance, news, and more...

This year, we will delve into all of these, including creating a Blogger account of your own, a G+ account of your own, and using the maps, news, finance and Youtube as well.
This second week of class is to get more used to using Word 2016. 

Tuesday--- Today will be to warm up your fingers, some of you will be in late because of the Social Studies introduction, but that is OK! Come on in and get started. 

Next will be opening Word 2016, creating a new blank document. Then copy from the overhead, two paragraphs on the subject of "Me", then follow along to use Tabs at the top of the page, such as Layout, Insert, and Home. We will change the font color, the size and type of font, the orientation of the page, and insert online photos, changing the size and position of the photo. 

Wednesday ---We have Vocabulary words posted on PathBrite. It is listed as Vocabulary Words Weeks 1&2 ---Group A. 

To complete this assignment, you will need to bring up Word 2016, create new blank document, use the Restore Down button and size the window to where it is half the size of your monitor. Then Open Chrome, go to Pathbrite, log in to your account, go to Group A, scroll to the correct assignment, use the Restore Down button and size the window to half the size of your monitor. Position both windows where you can see them both. 

Key in the vocabulary words and definitions on your Word document. This is tedious, but it is a great way to memorize the terms.  When you have completed, save to your Flash Drive. Name the file: Your Initials Vocabulary Weeks1-2  (ie. MCVocabularyWeeks1-2 ).

Now you are ready to upload to your Pathbrite class. Go to Home page of Pathbrite, go to "Guided", use dropdown menu to choose Courses, it will take you to your Class, which is Intro to Computers. Click on this picture, it will take you to the Page to see where your assignment is due. Click on the assignment.

Now you are able to see the description of what to do with the assignment. There is a whole list of what you need to do, check it out, make sure you didn't miss a step in your assignment. When you are sure you are ready to complete, then click the upload button. This brings up a dialogue box, choose where your document is...

If you have saved correctly, the document will be on your flash drive, listed as: YourInitialsVocabularyWeeks1-2.  Click on this, then click on "Open" at bottom right of the dialogue box. 
While you are waiting for this to upload completely, you can fill in the boxes. First is the submission title... this week it will remain as it is in the box... Submission #1.  Underneath this box is a description box. In this you will put your first initial and your last name. 

When the file has uploaded and you can see the preview of it, check to make sure it is correct. It is hard to see, but just the overall look of the document. When you are satisfied that it is the correct document, then click on "Submit Now" button. 

           ****Advanced Class-- Continue with your Timeline, complete the Timeline ONline, when you are finished, you will upload to PathBrite! Remember to add your initials or first initial and last name to the descriptions.  

Thursday ---  Begin the day with, remember to log in to your account. We will work for 20 minutes on this. Resume where you left off. 

Open Pathbrite, log in to your account, go to your courses. Go to your assignments. In the center of your page, there is an icon next to your teachers name. Click on this icon and it should take you directly to my portfolio, choose Group A, and scroll down to see what is next. This week, it is a link to another page. This is the Quizlet site. The Title of the quizlet is Computer Literacy.  Click on this, then click when it asks to view site. 

Now you will be in Quizlet. Choose the "Flash Cards". To view, simply click on the card, to go to the next card, click the arrow under the card. 

The next assignment for the day is to click on the "Learn" button on Quizlet. This we will do as a class. Terms you need to know, terms that are simple but take a while to learn. 

If we have time today, we will go to the next lesson on Quizlet. This is the 'Writing' portion. It is not as scary as you think. We will do them together. 

               ****Advanced Class----- Today, if you have completed all your assignments ( Assignment 1: Scavenger Hunt; Assignment 2: Timeline Word document; Assignment 2.5: Timeline ONline) and you have uploaded these to Pathbrite, you will continue on with Assignment 3. Make sure to complete and upload to Pathbrite!

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

New School Year!

It was great to see so many of you, yesterday! The first day of classes went well, with 170 students enrolled in morning classes, it seemed like the day was very smooth.

There are always problems when you have so many people together, but THIS group of people is great! The classes have been compacted, since we lost use of the second floor, one class is out in the 'boondocks' in another building, and still... it was a very easy first day.

Now, this is from my perspective. I hope all the students feel the same. It is sometimes full of anxiety and fear of the unknown to start a new school, job, life... but everyone I saw yesterday, seemed to be at ease.

First days are full of 'orientation' which is a nice way to say you learn about the school's policies, rules and regulations. There was paperwork, paperwork, and more paperwork. The real learning will take place, I promise!

For the Computer Literacy classes, we will not begin for a while. I will be recruiting for the class on Thursday, meeting new students and visiting with returning students. This semester is going to be a bit different. I have tried to find a way to understand how much each student knows before we begin classes. This way, I can teach the very beginner, guide those who have more training, and facilitate taking the MOS exam for the students who are about ready.

Our classes are going to be set up a bit different as well. The first 2-3 weeks will be only the 'New Students'.  This way, I will be able to teach those new students who have no computer skills, how to use the computer, how to use Word 2016, and the various levels of the class how to complete projects.

I know this is using up precious time that you could be working on computer skills, and this is why I have decided to open up those weeks to you, the returning student as well. I will be concentrating on the new students, but I will also have projects for you to work on as well.

The class will be noisy, possibly crowded, and you will have to work 'on your own' but I will be there if you are confused or need help. So, I encourage you to join in.

Now... about our room.  As you know, Falcon Academy has joined the college this year. This means that we do not have the lab on the second floor of Deadrick to use, they have also commandeered the extra labs in Wilkerson Hall. So, we believe that we will be using the lab in 135 in the ET building... that is the Electronics Technology Building.  I will post a map for the first day of classes, and will have maps in Deadrick Hall so you can find your way.

This room is very nice. The computers are very new, and the space is large. All of the computers face the front of the room, which is very nice. We will have wonderful technology to use!

Have a great first week, and remember to check back in to this page to learn more of what we are doing!

Monday, July 23, 2018

Returning Students

This week we have returned!
Returning students come in on Monday and Tuesday, and a few on Wednesday! to enroll in classes. Great to see you back!

The process is arduous normally, but it seems that the new system of having the forms pre-filled as  much as possible, has helped very much. This is wonderful news, especially to those who have sat for long periods of time before.  Testing is always going to be there, but it seems to have gone smoothly this Semester!

I am looking forward to getting back in class, how about you?

Weeks seem to go by quickly, but this Summer seems to have flown by very quickly. Most of you know already, but for those who do not, Odessa College is now home to the Falcon Early College High School. This means we will be sharing the building with students, so remember to greet politely all you meet.

Having new students in the building is going to be a challenge. TxCHSE has completely moved to Wilkerson Hall, and two of our classes will be in Jack Rodgers Hall, but most of the students in our classes will be in Deadrick Hall still.

Our dilemma is where our Lab will be. This has not been decided yet. I am hoping for Wilkerson 101 again. That room was the perfect room for us, with the exception of the glitches with the computers, we loved using that room!

We are awaiting the confirmation for which room we will have.

As soon as I know, I will send a "Remind" to all students.

Have you been working in Burlington English? This software is wonderful to help with pronunciation, to read books, to study grammar, and it is FREE. If you are a student, this software is totally free. If you are not a student, you must pay their fee. Please use this as often as possible to keep up with your classes, and to go the extra mile in your studies.

The other software we use in class, Aztec, is also FREE. It is very good if you are confident in your English grammar, and want to study a bit ahead.

If you have problems logging in to either site, send me an email or give me a call.

Excited to see you all again!

Monday, July 2, 2018

Summer Break and the Fourth of July

The first week of real Summer, ahhhh, it is nice, isn't it?

The Fourth of July is upon us, with fireworks, hotdogs, apple pie... We are celebrating a day that means a lot to the United States, the beginning of Liberty. This was the date, though it wasn't by any means a done deal on this date, nevertheless, this is the date that a group of people got together and decided to sign the Declaration of Independence.  The states had to  sign off, ratify the declaration, the war had to be fought, and people had to stay steadfast in their pursuit of liberty, but this is the date that was always remembered as Independence Day. 

Lives were lost, families were separated, not only by the war itself, but by the ideals of independence. Many families were loyal to the King of England. Many of his subjects wanted to stay part of the sovereign Empire of Britain, they were called Loyalists, Royalists, or Tories. Even the son of the famous Benjamin Franklin, William Franklin, the Royal Governor of New Jersey, wanted to stay under British Rule (1).

Ben Franklin had to choose between the beautiful England that he had so dearly grown to love and his native country of America. He had been in England when he was young, learning to be  a printer. Then after he had retired at 41 years of age, he was sent to England by the Pennsylvania Assembly, and fell in love with the charms, the scientific knowledge and education, and the sophistication of the gentry. But he was born in Massachusetts, and an American he would always stay.(2)

In 1765, The English Crown imposed a Stamp Tax that sent the colonists into a rage, quite literally. They fought back with rebellion against what they saw as an outright burden imposed against them. 

With acts like the "Tea Party" in Boston harbor, the rally where some colonists went a bit overboard, along with crates of tea imported by the British, they left no doubt  that the colonies were tremendously angry.

Over the next few months, things got a bit out of hand, but you would have to look back to actually see where the colonists were at the brink, and resorted to ever increasingly violent acts of rebellion.

1761 saw the British in financial trouble with their 7 years war raging, so they ordered that their Navigation Tax be enforced aggressively. This did not set well in Boston, especially when taxmen were allowed to search any premises for smuggled goods.  

 The British had imposed the Sugar Tax in 1764, which included taxation on Sugar, wines (though not all), coffee, and calico. Women formed the Daughters of Liberty, and boycotted imported goods, like calico fabric, and took to creating their own fabrics to show their disdain for the taxation. (3)

There were fines and taxes that seemed to the colonists an undue burden, there were people like Samuel Adams and Paul Revere who seemed to keep the agitation stirred up, Revere with his artwork, and Adams with his leadership and voice in his newspaper with words like "Liberty can never exist without equality". 

British soldiers had a dislike for many of the colonial citizens as well. Many of the colonists were a constant source of agitation, and were hurling abuse, both verbal and physical, aimed at the soldiers. This led to higher tensions between the two groups.

In 1768, General Gage had marched new troops into Boston(4), as a show of force, the towns people were outraged, this was, to them, a tightening of control by the Crown.

The presence of the army was more a source of irritation with the inhabitants of Boston since the 1765 Quartering Act forced them to house the soldiers in houses and empty buildings, the troops also had set up tents in the center of town, and the citizens of Boston saw them as occupiers.   

The new soldiers were there to help keep the peace, and it must have seemed to the colonists a heavy hand to have "Redcoats" everywhere. A relative peace they kept, for the most part, incidents of rebellion were at a minimum. 

However, in late February of 1770, protests of imported goods being sold by a few local shop keepers turned nasty and brought about a boy being shot. This infuriated the whole of the city of Boston it seemed. His funeral was a chance for the Sons of Liberty to have a political rally.(5) 

There was much disdain for the British at this point, and it led to more tensions between the British, those loyal to the British, and the colonists who wanted to be free from the rule of England and it's King.

Into March, tempers flared in Boston.  Skirmishes between British soldiers and citizens broke out but nothing serious came about. That is, until March the fifth, when an angry mob met up with British soldiers, and the skirmish got out of hand and one thing led to another and the "Boston Massacre" began. (6)

The rest, they say, is history.

If you would like very good books on the subject, I would highly recommend the book, Patriots: The Men Who Started the American Revolution, by A. J. Landgguth, also, Bill O'Reilly's Legends and Lies: The Patriots, written by David Fischer, and the book Washington's General,  by Terry Golway


1. Wikipedia, Loyalist (American Revolution),
2.  PBS, Explore- Benjamin Franklin, Worldly Ways
3.  Fisher, David, Bill O'Reilly's Legends and  Lies: The Patriots, New York: Henry Holt and Company; May 24, 2016, 
      pgs 27.
4.  --- pg 38-44.
5.  Landgguth, A. J. , Patriots: The Men Who Started The American Revolution, New York: Simon and 
      Schuster; September 17, 2013, pgs 65-69.   ISBN 9781439127124, 
6.  Fisher, David, Bill O'Reilly's Legends and Lies: The Patriots, New York: Henry Holt and Co; May 24, 
     2016 pgs    .

Sunday, June 24, 2018


Session III slipped by very quickly. Our group was very sparse since the Independent School District let out classes before June this year. Many of our class needed to be home with children, so we were left with only 10 very dedicated students. 

We worked in Word 2016, PowerPoint 2016. Excel 2016 and created Blogs! That's a lot of work! 
The time seemed to slip by without us using this blog so I didn't update. I will, however, update over the Summer, so those of you who are bored, wanting to keep up the skills you have worked on so hard, will have a chance to use the documents, and have a short lesson for each. 

I have updated the document page, for the most part. I have work to do, but the Summer has just begun! The documents have been updated, as well as a description of what to do with the document. 

This coming week, I will update the :Good Reads" page (Remember to go to the links on this page, there are articles to read that I think you will like). 

There is a NEW page, check it out! The new page is called "LINKS". I have added links that you can use over Summer to keep up with your studies.

 If you are a class member, you will be able to access the actual accounts.  

If you are not a class member, I will note which of the links you do not have to sign in to, or that you can create a free account ... 

I hope you all have a restful Summer Holiday! Take care when you travel, wear sunscreen, and drink lot of water! ðŸ’™ðŸ’–💙

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Here we are in Session III

We have a new group of students, working hard in Session III.

I have been remiss in posting to this blog, we are working on basic skills but the returning students have created blogs, posted, and are working on their MOS certification test.

New students are proficient enough to be able to create a blog as well, and are trying out the skills needed to write a blog that is interesting as well as informative. They are uploading pictures from their phones, linking to videos, and trying out their skills at changing the look of the blog itself.

We will link to each blog next week. Each student will have at least two entries covering what they have been reading in Our new class code is VM4R6J.
Articles include:

Political Parties
Asian Art
Coming to America: Ellis Island and New York City
Worldwide Loss of Bees a Growing Concern
The Mermaid of Kona, Hawaii
Garbage in the Ocean
Inside and Outside Carlsbad Caverns

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Week 9 April 3-5, 2018

Week 9 
We have been working on a newsletter of sorts all week. It has been full of formatting and making sure what we write is our own with a few quotes from different sources.

 Newspapers, magazines, the internet are all great places to find news articles, but writing about something that you have studied and writing it in your own words is a rewarding experience. 

This will help you with your grammar skills, spelling, vocabulary, and your typing skills!

Here is the format that you will use for your rough draft of the article. 

Newspaper Article

Word 2016
Open Blank Document
Go to: Layout Tab> Click on Margins: set to Narrow
Go to: Layout Tab> Click on  Columns: set to Three
Go to: Home Tab> Click on Font: Set to Times New Roman
                                                                Set Font Size to 12 for Title
Click on Bold and Underline
Write your  Title for the article
Go to Home Tab> Click on Font Size: Set to 9 and unclick Bold and Underline for the body of your article.

Write three paragraphs about a topic that is something you would read in the news, it is your choice of topic.
List of ideas for the article:
·         Weather
·         Current Event
·         Upcoming Event (like a concert, Reunion, or a rally)
·         News article
·         Health article
·         Beauty article
·         School Event
·         Legal articles (like gun control issues, violence issues, DACA, or laws that are pending)
·         Truth in Media

Whatever you choose to write about, please make sure that you include these things:
·         What the article is about
·         Why are you writing about it
·         What do you want me to know about it.

You can use pictures, make sure that it is in the public domain and is royalty free.  You can use one of your own pictures or have a friend give you a photo. You can also create a picture of your own in Paint3D. You can easily insert the drawing or collage of pictures into your article.

We have a model of what we would like the newspaper to look like, and we have looked at the different templates that we could use to achieve this look. 
One is the Newsletter Design template
The second is Newsletter (Apothecary design)

Both can be found if you do a search for Newsletter Templates in the search of the Word 2016 templates.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Welcome back!

The Week 8 vocabulary words are listed on the Vocabulary page. Again this week, you may have some of them defined already. If you do, remember you can copy and past to this weeks list.

We are going over these terms in class, and you will need to define them. There is one word "Clipboard" that you will define and explain how to do the three words associated with it, (cut, copy, paste)

After working on your vocabulary, please go to the address that I sent you on Remind. You type in that address on your computer or use your phone to go straight to the address. Complete!

I have also added the vocabulary for Week 9. The week 9 vocabulary is a bit different. I want you to try to memorize the words, and know what the meaning is,  we will review them in class. You do NOT have to write them all out unless that helps you memorize. 

Again, we will go over the Week 9 list in class. Please try your best to memorize.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Happy Spring! March 20-22, 2018

Welcome Spring!

This week we are working on Excel!

The vocabulary words will be posted on the Vocabulary page... you may recognize some of them from previous vocabulary lessons...

Please copy and paste your definitions...making sure they are correct for use with computer and for Excel use.  You do not have to type in twice, but I do want you to have the definitions together this week.

The first lesson in Excel will be to open the program, making sure it is a blank spreadsheet.

This is going to be a  real, working budget. Tuesday, you will start the spreadsheet, having a heading, columns and rows denoting date, bills, and your actual budget.

DO NOT put any information, such as your full name, social security or any credit card numbers on this sheet... DO NOT!

I guard your flash drives, the same as I guard my own, but there is always the possibility of them being lost. NEVER put any critical, identifying information on your flash drive.

You will save your worksheet to the flash drive and turn in at the end of the period. Wednesday, you will have a list of bills that you owe, a list of money you have to use, and an idea of how much you need to save each month. You will add these to the Excel sheet

Wednesday, you will complete the spreadsheet, save it to your flash drive. Turn in.

Remember the tabs are essential in creating the worksheet. Using the Formula Tab, the 'Auto Sum' button is your  best friend!  We will add all of Column D and have the total at the end of the column, then total all of Column H at the end of the column.  Using Auto Sum, choose Sum from the dropdown box. This will automatically show the list of your column, click enter, it will automatically add the amounts. Do this for each of the columns of numbers.

in Column H, Row 10, you will use the formula =H?-D? and enter... in place of the ? you will add the row number.  This will give you the amount of your income minus your monthly bills. In this way, you will see if you have anything left over or if you are "in the red".

Remember we discussed using averaging for bills that vary from month to month. Showing this on the budget is a good idea, also showing the amounts that are static, ie. mortgage, homeowners insurance, car payments, car insurance, etc are a good idea.
You can choose cells that you want to add together, separate from the others and show them by using the formula  sum=(D?,D?) and enter, this will allow those two or three amounts to be added separate from the other rows to show how much you must have to be able to meet payments.

Thursday, we will have a short Quizziz over the vocabulary words that pertain to Excel.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

March 6-8, 2018

Welcome to Week 5 of Basic Computer Literacy or the pre-MOS class.

This week we have a lot to get done!

First, start out by logging in to using your user account and password that you have been given. This will facilitate keeping track of your WPM/Time/Accuracy. No more having to write down your times on paper!

Next,  is to open your PowerPoint2016 document, The one that is YOUR CHOICE.

You will add FOUR (4) new slides!

Slide 5: Add new picture, add caption underneath that describes the picture.  Add Transition to this slide.

Slide 6: Add new picture, add caption, add shapes behind the picture, Add transition.

Slide 7: Add a new picture, add caption, add THREE (3)  shapes behind picture, add ,music or some type of audio to this slide, it can be music or sound or a recording of a description of the picture.  Add animation to all three shapes. Add Transitions.

Slide 8: Closing- Write a paragraph about what you learned about the subject in your presentation, and what you learned making the presentation. Write something about how you could us PowerPoint to teach someone else about the subject of your presentation. Add three (3) shapes behind the text, use animation on all three shapes, add transition to this page.

Wednesday:  Open Your Choice PowerPoint2016 Document. 

Go to Transitions Tab> go to 'Advance Slide'

  • choose Setting:
    • After:
    • Set Timer for 8-10 seconds for pictures, 12 seconds for paragraphs, and 15 seconds for instructions.
    • Click on "On Mouse Click" box to deselect this option. 

Go to Slide Show Tab> Go to Set Up Slide Show.

  • choose Settings:
    • Browse at a Kiosk
    • Loop Continuously until 'Esc'
    • Use Timings if Present
    • Click OK.
    • Click on Tab "From Beginning"

Once everyone has set up the slide shows, move from computer to computer ***read below***, looking at each presentation.

**** When one presentation is finished, click ESC button. This will stop the slide show. 

GO TO Review Tab

  • Choose New Comment- A dialogue box will appear to the right side of slide. 
  • Type YOUR Name, DATE, and a COMMENT about the slide show.
  • Click Enter
  • Click on Slide Show Tab
  • Click on "From Beginning"
Go to next computer and watch that presentation, do the same as before...
You should have commented on every presentation

Next, on Wednesday, we will open the file on Vocabulary that you have been working on, adding Week 5 Vocabulary Words.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Week of February 27- March 1, 2018

This week is review of tabs for PowerPoint2016. I want you to know what each tab does and the correct name for each action. 

We will also be reviewing vocabulary words, so remember to be sure to bring your flash drives back to class. 

One other area we will cover this week is using Google drive. 

*** The lesson for Tuesday is to partner up with one other person, use the provided posterboard, pens, markers, crayons... and write the selected vocabulary words, define them and talk to your partner about them. I want you to make sure your partner knows what the vocabulary word is, what it does, in reference to the computer. 

You can draw a picture, summarize the definition, and make the poster pleasing to the eye. It will be posted in the Computer Room!
The list of words will be posted under Vocabulary. Each group takes a group of 7 words.

I am very pleased with your work, the PowerPoints that I have seen so far show that you are learning quickly. The main goal is to know the terminology now! I want you to tell me, in English, exactly how you created the slides.

I will post more vocabulary words in the Vocabulary tab. These need to be defined, using terms for computer use. 

If you have questions, I have posted my email address on the front board of DH 203. You can always email what questions you have.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

This week, February 20-22, 2017

We are working on more vocabulary words this week, Also, we have a new area we will cover, PowerPoint!

Class on Wednesday will be working in PowerPoint2016. This means you will use all of your skills that you have learned so far... typing, adding pictures, changing font, font size, bullets, margins... you name it, we will use it, and a few more tabs!

Class should be fun, so come to class on time, be prepared to jump right in!

I have looked at some of your vocabulary lists, I am very proud of you for working so diligently on them. I know this isn't the most fun part of the class, but it is something that is needed. We will work on vocabulary as often as possible, if you have a computer and internet at home, please work on the words.

You will find the vocabulary list on the page named Vocabulary. Click on the tab above to find it.

You may have noticed the tab: Good Reads!. This tab is the link to the page that I created that links articles and books that I have found and thought you may like them.

I believe you will laugh when you look at the link to the article: Breaking Down the Best Slapstick Gif We've Ever Seen. It is very funny and fun to read. 

One addition to the page "Good Reads!" will be books for kids. If you have children, grandchildren, or kids that you are close to, this will be a wonderful way to spend time with them.

Reading to children shows that you care about them and teaches them that reading is important, and it can be fun. Check out the page, read some of the articles, and check back frequently, I will try to post something new every few days. 

Ms. C

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Extra Work! February 15th, 2018

If you are working towards taking the MOS test, I will post extra work for you to do at home.

This will help you get further ahead with your language skills and the vocabulary that you need to take the certification test.

I have added a new tab to the bar above. It is the Vocabulary tab. When you click on this tab, it will take you to a page that has a list of vocabulary words that you will need to know. I will add more words each week to this list.

Open Word, type in the words as a list, then go back and add the definitions to each word by searching the internet. Make sure that you are looking at the right definition! Sometimes you will have many definitions for the same word, check to make sure that you are defining the Computer Terms.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Welcome Back!

We have started a new semester, a new class in Computer Literacy and have a new MOS certification instructor in the evenings!

What a way to start out the new year!

Today, February 14, we are working in Windows2016. I would like for you to check out the Google Drive Document that I have posted. This will be written in Word 2016, by you. NO copy and paste!

I wish to have you work on margins, and this is the easiest way for you to not only work on keyboarding skills, but to also have the directions listed, and we can work from there!