Thursday, December 7, 2017

Today is the day!
We are creating the Holiday card/letter list and doing a mail merge. I think that we will have a wonderful outcome and everyone will have the knowledge to create their own lists for holiday or special events, to be able to mail out brochures or flyers, whatever the occasion calls for!

The Document page has two examples today, first is the Holiday Form Letter, second is the Mailing List Example. You will open both in new tabs, and read over them. 

Open Word2016 to a blank document.

Open Excel 2016 to a simple worksheet.

For Word, you will either copy the form letter or write your own! If you are going to actually send letters, please remember to save it on your flash drive as well as print out two copies, one for yourself and one to turn in

For Excel- If you have your own list of people to send letters to, you may begin entering them in the format as is on the "Mailing List Example". If you are not planning on actually mailing out, use the names and addresses on the Mailing List to fill out the table. Be sure to save your document to the flash drive and print out a copy to turn in. If it is a real list, it is good to print one for yourself.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

December 5-7, 2017

This week, we are concentrating on Word 2016 documents. You will open four tabs in Chrome. The first tab is this page, the second is search for informal letters, the third is search for formal letters, and the fourth is your google drive.  You will open Word 2016 to a blank document, and resize the windows so that you can have both up at the same time. 

We will switch back and forth between tabs and windows. I want you to look at an example of each of the informal letter.

 You will use an example and write a letter to Ms. Kitty. Please tell her thank you for her work, something that you like about the ESOL program, and something that you would like her to know, either about what you would like to see happen in the program, or what you are looking forward to in the program. 

Don't forget to add the closing with your name, print it out, sign it, and turn it in. You can save a copy on your flash drive. 

I have added a new document to the Documents page. It is a template for a formal letter, please click on the Documents tab and find the template, which is highlighted in red

You will open the template and open another Word 2016 blank document. Type in the same format and content as the template.  
 When you have finished, please print it out, DO NOT sign it. You will save it to the flash drive.