Thursday, December 7, 2017

Today is the day!
We are creating the Holiday card/letter list and doing a mail merge. I think that we will have a wonderful outcome and everyone will have the knowledge to create their own lists for holiday or special events, to be able to mail out brochures or flyers, whatever the occasion calls for!

The Document page has two examples today, first is the Holiday Form Letter, second is the Mailing List Example. You will open both in new tabs, and read over them. 

Open Word2016 to a blank document.

Open Excel 2016 to a simple worksheet.

For Word, you will either copy the form letter or write your own! If you are going to actually send letters, please remember to save it on your flash drive as well as print out two copies, one for yourself and one to turn in

For Excel- If you have your own list of people to send letters to, you may begin entering them in the format as is on the "Mailing List Example". If you are not planning on actually mailing out, use the names and addresses on the Mailing List to fill out the table. Be sure to save your document to the flash drive and print out a copy to turn in. If it is a real list, it is good to print one for yourself.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

December 5-7, 2017

This week, we are concentrating on Word 2016 documents. You will open four tabs in Chrome. The first tab is this page, the second is search for informal letters, the third is search for formal letters, and the fourth is your google drive.  You will open Word 2016 to a blank document, and resize the windows so that you can have both up at the same time. 

We will switch back and forth between tabs and windows. I want you to look at an example of each of the informal letter.

 You will use an example and write a letter to Ms. Kitty. Please tell her thank you for her work, something that you like about the ESOL program, and something that you would like her to know, either about what you would like to see happen in the program, or what you are looking forward to in the program. 

Don't forget to add the closing with your name, print it out, sign it, and turn it in. You can save a copy on your flash drive. 

I have added a new document to the Documents page. It is a template for a formal letter, please click on the Documents tab and find the template, which is highlighted in red

You will open the template and open another Word 2016 blank document. Type in the same format and content as the template.  
 When you have finished, please print it out, DO NOT sign it. You will save it to the flash drive. 

Monday, November 20, 2017

Jigsaw puzzle

We do not have classes for Computer Literacy this week, due to the holiday.

Classes will start back on November 28th at 12:30pm. We will meet in Room 203 of Deadrick Hall.

This will be the Intermediate and Advanced class. I believe we may change a bit, but the days will probably be the same.

In the meantime, I thought you might like to do a few activities on the internet.

This jigsaw puzzle, it is fun.
Jigsaw Puzzle

This is a math game that is really fun!


Here is a story that you might like to read to practice your reading skills!

Mr. Coyote Meets Mr. Snail

 If I find something else that you may like, I will post it here!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving break. May you all be blessed with good health and bountiful homes.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Week of November 13, 14, 15th, 2017

This is the last week of our Beginning Computer Literacy, this class has been working really hard, now is the time to show what you can do!

This week, Tuesday, you will create an Excel document, using the information that I have given you on The code will be on the board.

 Remember to use borders, remember to add your name.  The information is not formatted as an actual table, so you will have to add it onto the Excel form. You know this!

When you are finished, you will upload the document in Google Drive, share the link with the instructor! If you do not have google, upload it to Access, then send me the link. Use any free time to review vocabulary, typing skills.

Wednesday, we will study a little for the vocabulary. Also, we will have the typing test, which will be the 'Sentences' on I will record your WPM, Accuracy and time.

Next you will begin the PowerPoint program. The instructions are on the board, It is going to be long, there are three sections that you must complete to  receive your certificate. I strongly suggest that you make a Word document to type in the outline for your PowerPoint. This will help with your whole presentation.

You must cover these three areas in the presentation.

How to Create a Word Document
How to Create an Excel Table
How to Create a PowerPoint

You must create at least one pane for each of the sections that introduces the section.
There must be at least 2 panes per section.
There must be graphics in the presentation.
Please add transitions.

{For the more advanced students, you will have an opportunity to show me just how creative you are, and what skills you have. Please include transitions, graphs, motion, sound, and if you would like, a video!}


Finish the PowerPoint presentation.  at 2pm we will take the vocabulary test in

I will give you the access code at 2. 

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Week of November 7-9, 2017

We will again meet in Room 203. The new computers are installed, they are beautiful, they have new mouses!

There will be NO food or drink in the Computer Lab.

When we have refreshments for the class, since we are working so long, we will meet in room 205 which is Ms. Madrid's room. We will need to keep that room very clean as well, so please (and I know you are very diligent anyway) remember to wipe up any crumbs, use the trash cans!

The class will quickly review Excel for the students that were out of class on Thursday due to the local schools being out.

After the review, we will work in Google Drive. This means that you will need to have access to your gmail accounts... IF you do not have a gmail account, we will set up one. It is important that you know how to use this form of document sharing platform.

I have added a spreadsheet, named Excel Budget-Want to Quit Second Job?  This is under the Tab- Excel Documents. 

Please open this document, study it, and when we open Google Drive, we will recreate this Spreadsheet.

Even if you are a wiz at Excel, working in Google Drive can be daunting. The tools are set up a bit differently. You can learn this, it just takes a bit of practice.

Have a great week!

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Review week of October 31- November 2, 2017

Tuesday- Create Word document titled "About Me"
Write two paragraphs on the subject...
Center the title

Wednesday- Open Word document, follow along with instructor;
change font size, color, alignment; insert a page break; create 2 columns; file>save as>document 2
Then close your document. find both documents and open each, using Restore Down button on each
discuss similarities and differences in the documents.

Thursday- Excel- Remember to bring with you any vocabulary and any handouts on Excel documents that you have received. Create table showing income, expenses, and work with auto sum
review vocabulary words. Create Gmail account if you do not have one. We will go over google documents /google drive.  

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

October 24-26, 2017

Working in PowerPoint this week, students are creating a PowerPoint on Tuesday, this will be basic, at least 3 panes, with a theme.
Wednesday, students will create a PowerPoint that will include animation and transitions between panes.
Thursday, we will review vocabulary and have a short quiz over vocabulary. Take a practice test for the MOS certification to see where we are at, and then review some Word and Excel.

We will watch the presentation by one of our students, and discuss what is going on for next week. 

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Week of October 16-19, 2017

This week, we are reviewing Word 2013, creating a document with definitions, getting ready to take a vocabulary test!

Also, this week, we will review the vocabulary for Excel, which we started last week. I am very proud of the progress we have made, and hope that you will continue to grow in each of the programs that you are learning.

I will post a couple of graphics that you will use in your lessons this week. You can copy and paste them to insert into your Word document.

Also, please notice that there are two new pages, on is for our documents in Excel, the tab is at the top of this page, just under the graphic with the name for the class. It is named "Excel Documents". The other is named "Graphics". This page will have graphics that you can use to create work on posters or use for headings in documents.

This tab, " Excel Documents" is  a link to what you need to do for this week's lesson in Excel.
I will post a link to the google drive, so you can access the documents. You can click on the link for each document and it will show you that document, you can print it out or save it to your folder.

I am leaving the Flash Drives with your team number, so that you will be able to save it afterwards. Remember to 'Save' in your folder. You know whether or not you will need to use the 'cut and paste' method.

If you finish early, please log in to and create a Poster for this class.  Use things that you already know, such as, time and days of classes, what we are learning, why someone would like to be in this class! 

Hope you all have a wonderful week!

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Week 4 - September 18-21, 2017

Week 4 is already upon us! 😬

Goals must be met by this week! September 21st to be exact, that means you must have the one (1) lesson in Aztec's Ready for Work AND the one (1) SPECIFIC lesson in your DOS complete...

Now that may be in Reading, Mathematics, or Language, it is specific to YOU! These are goals that must be met to meet State Requirements, so they are important to complete. 

There are sadly, people who have not yet logged in to Aztec yet. 

I understand that it is rather awkward to be in different buildings and not have set schedules for coming to Lab or to Computer Literacy, this is really understandable... but...

This part of your education is important, and it was set as a Goal! 
People who accomplish the most are those who revisit their goals, actually work towards them, and do not procrastinate completing goals. 

Be one of those powerful people, complete your education, make a place for yourself!

For those of you who have completed your goals, are working in your DOS, but want something extra... go to, click on the tab where it says "Students" > click on orange bar that says "Typing Lessons" (you do NOT have to log in) > Beginner click on 'begin' ... use button to Continue...  do the lesson, stop and write down the WPM/Accuracy. Keep for later on... continue on through lessons. I suggest working on this for about 10 minutes. 

Every day, it is a good idea to go to to practice your keyboarding skills. This type of repetitive action reinforces your hand/eye coordination and memory skills. It makes your fingers go to the right buttons when you see a letter...

Once you have completed 40 direct hours, you will be progress testing. This means that you will be checked to see what you have learned... not a grade.  This is not a test to try to cheat, or try to skip... it is important to do your best, but not be overly anxious about. 

Most know by now, I will not be working in the TxCHSE Department any longer. I am transferring to the ESOL Department this week. I will miss you all very much. Please remember if you need help, you can still email me. I will keep track of your progress, but will not be present.  I will also keep the blog up for a bit, I am not sure how long it will work out with me not being with the classes. I will continue to post updates for things going on around campus.

I hope the best for all that have been in my classes. I love you all, come visit me!

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Week 3- September 11-14, 2017

There are links at the bottom ↓↓ of this page,   👀 please keep reading!

This week, the main focus of your Aztec work is in your DOS (your Domain of Significance).  If you have not completed your Ready for Work lesson, you will not be changed over into the learning software. 

Remember that you must work at least an hour per week in Aztec learning software. That does not mean that you turn on your computer, log into Aztec and leave it on for an hour... that means that you actually are working in the software. 

This is the only way that Aztec actually works. You are not cheating anyone but yourself if you are not utilizing the software. This is free software, you have it to help with taking the GED test, which a computerized test. 

 Working in the software familiarizes you to the type of questions, the type of format that the questions will be, and how to answer those questions. 

If you have not been able to access your account, please come to DH203 this week. the hours you can access the instructor are:
M-Th 8:15-9:30
Tu/Th 12-3
M-Th 4:30-6

You may have been missed, or there may be a problem with your account, or maybe there is a number assigned to your account... whatever the reason, come see me!

Have a wonderful week!
Links you can use:   This link will take you to the page for keyboarding practice *** you do NOT need to make an account on this page unless you want it to keep track of your progress. You can write down the progress and keep track of it yourself.  The access code is Deadrick203  you will have access to GED tutorials, Math, Reading, Science, Social Studies help pages. 

To use this page, log in with the access code, when the page comes up, look on the left hand side of the page, it gives six (6) tabs to choose from.  

When you click on that tab, it will take you to that link, you can either read the link on this page or you can click to go to that page directly.  

Please give it a minute to load the page.
Another link that you can find to the ← left of this page is the This page can be accessed with the code XZB3NW    Find your name, click on it, and type in the password: 1234   if you do not find your name listed, come by and see the instructor...

This site has some really great articles that will help you with reading, as well as other subjects.  Reading as much as you can online really does help with the Language portion of the GED.

Again, have a great week!

Friday, September 1, 2017

First Week Completed!

What a wonderful first week of classes!
Most of you had no trouble finding homerooms, even though we were scattered across campus, and everyone found their scheduled classes, which are a bit confusing. There were a few glitches, but for the most part, we rocked!

It was really nice seeing those of you who are returning. Personally, I love having you come in the classroom, smiling and excited about learning, with so much potential for the future!

This coming week, if you have not completed your lesson in Aztec- Ready for Work, this is where you will be working. If you have already completed that lesson, which is a State requirement, you will be changed over into one of the learning portions of Aztec.

If you have not logged in to Aztec yet, DO so this coming week, if you cannot access your account, please see me!  Ms. Covert, Deadrick Hall Room 203.

Your first lesson in Aztec is determined by your DOS, or Domain of Significance. It is specific to you, and you must complete that lesson by September 21. 

Also, we are creating accounts on the GED website.  We will complete the Path Source so it is necessary for you to come to 203 to be able to comply with our requirements. 

So far, there have been a lot of students fulfilling teachers requests to come in and get your  Log-in  IDs and have started working in Aztec.  I want to see more of you in the coming weeks. 

Have a wonderful LONG weekend! Stay safe, enjoy, and we'll see you back bright and early (or evening 😁) on Tuesday, September 5. 


8:15-9:15 M-Th
12-3 T, Th
4:30-6 M-Th

Friday, August 25, 2017

First Day of Classes

Monday, August 28 is quickly approaching! This is the first day of classes for the Odessa College TxCHSE program.  If you have already received your Homeroom assignment and map or building and room number, you are set to start!

You may have noticed that the name has changed! TxCHSE stands for the Texas Certificate of High School Equivalency.  Not only has the name changed, but you will see many other changes as well.

We will have the same wonderful teachers (and a return of Ms Narvaez!) but we will have a different schedule, different buildings, and different way of working in Aztec. It is all going to be a wonderful experience for you, the student!

Give it a couple of weeks to get settled in to the new arrangements, buildings, and schedules. Also be mindful of the students around you, and help out when you can, there will be some that have a hard time finding their room assignments.

It is important that you still will work in Aztec. If you are a returning student, the password has changed, if you spoke with me two weeks ago... the change I gave you is not what the new password will be... 

Teachers will go over the procedures for accessing Aztec during orientation.

apple 2You will be starting in "Ready for Work" series again this semester. Once you have finished that lesson, you will be placed in the appropriate level (either Foundations, Pre-HSE, or GED Prep).  

Each student is expected to work at least one hour per week.  When you work in Aztec, it really does help round out your learning, and gets you prepared to take the GED on computer.

I, and all the teachers, look forward to seeing each and every one of you this semester!


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

August 21-24, 2017

We are well in testing our new students and a few of our returning students. I am so very glad to see familiar faces, and our new students are excited to get started!

There might be a few trying times during the first week or so of classes, remember patience and respect for others while we are all getting used to the new schedules and buildings.

Always remember to ask questions if you need help, whether it is with finding your class, your schedule, or with any of the material.

Remember that your voice needs to be heard!

Monday, August 14, 2017

Orientation Begins!

Today is the day that Orientation begins!
If you were scheduled to test today, please show up!

If you are registered, you have been given a time and date to test, yes... everyone has to test, even returning students... and you will test on that given date, and fill out other forms (you know the drill by now!)

If you can not make the assigned testing time, please call and let the office know why(432-335-6380)

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Last Days of Registration

Remember to come by Deadrick Hall Room 216 to register by the 10th.
Scroll down to the next post to see the required paperwork...
Orientation starts the 14th.

We have a POLL to the right on the page~ ↦→→→

Looking forward to seeing all of you!

Registration for the Upcoming Semester!

Registration is going on now at Odessa College for the TxCHSE program (the GED classes).
Deadrick Hall room 216

You need a form of ID and your Social Security card,

MUST bring: ID or driver’s license, Social Security Card. 

17 and 18 year olds need a withdrawal from school as well as the ID and SS card.

17 year olds need birth certificate, parent ID, and parent permission form

  Returning Students, you MUST bring another copy of your required paperwork.  No, the one from last year cannot be used!

While you are in the building, come by the room 203 and say hello!

Sunday, July 16, 2017

During the Summer Break

It is the hot, lazy days of Summer. No one wants to think about reading, writing, arithmetic. This time is all about being in the sun, water, sand (like we aren't in the sand every day!), taking trips, or like some of us... working hard. 

This is also the time to catch up on reading, studying, maybe working in Aztec Learning Software, getting prepared for taking the GED. Remember that there are some great links on the LiveBinders page (**access code is: Deadrick203 ) for studying  for the test, there is a page of the most missed questions under the Math category.

I've added a couple  of new links under Math. Both are for math games, one is for kids (but it is fun) and the other is not just for kids, it has some fun questions. 

Keep in mind that now is a great time to get kids interested in reading for enjoyment, and to help their minds grow.  If they see you reading or enjoying playing a learning game, it will encourage them to do the same! Try asking the kids to help you challenge one of the games, it will encourage them to help you and draw their attention into the game itself. 

Sunday, June 18, 2017

June 19-22 Intensive Institute

This is the last week for the Intensive Institute!  Everyone has worked very hard to get through the last few weeks. I know your heads are crammed full of information, and are ready to test. 

There are a few of you who have already scheduled testing, some are not quite there yet, but are just about ready!  Remember to come by the computer lab and work in Aztec Software to prepare for any of your tests, we are here to help you!

The lessons in Aztec really do help you prepare, even though some may seem like they are too simple, they build your skills in the methods used in the GED itself. You will have a variety of types of questions within the test itself, so knowing how to maneuver through them saves you precious time.

Aztec also has drills as well as the Practice Tests, which prepare you for what the test is going to be like. The Language portion of the GED has two sections, the test itself and the essay portion, which is mimicked in the Practice Test in Aztec.  

If you would like to take the Practice test in the Aztec GED Prep Solutions, see me and I will give you helpful hints for the Essay portion. And we all know that it is nice to have helpful hints. 

You've just about got this! Keep up the good work, you will succeed!

Thursday, June 15, 2017

New Poll Up

There is a new poll up at the right side of the page, if you are using a phone, you may not be able to readily see the poll. 

If possible, fill it out and submit. This is a totally anonymous poll, so no one knows, even me, what you have answered on our polls. 

If you have had damage and need anything, you can post in the comments... Please let us know if everyone is OK, if you have need of assistance, or have damage that needs immediate care. 

💓 to all

Bad Weather! June 15, 2017

That was some storm! 

The college had damage, but we are still open! Deadrick Hall had some major damage to the windows on the West and North sides, especially the main hallway on the second floor. The glass is swept up and the windows are being replaced. 

Mr. Lerma's class is meeting in Room 202 instead of his normal classroom.  The computer Lab is open, the computers are all up and running.  

Please remember that you can work in Aztec in the lab, at home on your computer or phone, or other device... you can use the Learning Resource Center as well, or the County Library has computers to use. 

If you are about ready to test, be sure to take the Practice Test in Aztec GED Prep Solutions first. This will give you a good idea of what is on the actual test. 

Every lesson in Aztec builds your computer skills, builds knowledge, and does prepare you for what the actual testing is going to be. 

Monday, June 12, 2017

June 12-15 Intensive Institute

This week, the main focus for our intensive studies will be Social Studies.

Remember to come to the Computer Lab to work on Aztec, everyone that is attending the Intensive Institute should be in GED Prep in the Aztec Series. If you believe you are not, you can talk to me or email me.

Please be aware that the Social Studies GED test no longer has the essay portion, but it is all the more important to be able to use the computer to quickly complete the exam and Aztec will help you in this.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

June 5-8, 2017 Intensive Institute!

This week, the main focus of classes will be in Science. 

Please plan on spending as much time as possible in the Computer Lab. Remember that Aztec will help dramatically with your testing. Each lesson builds on what you have learned in the classroom, and will prepare you for testing. 

Aztec Learning Software

Sunday, May 28, 2017

What do you do when you are angry?

I thought this was a good way to remember to teach our kids how to deal with anger...and maybe ourselves.

 It might seem corny, but I know people who feel like this show helped them while they were growing up... it was an iconic show on Public Broadcasting for many years,  Mr. Rogers Neighborhood.

 It was a comfortable and safe place that  gave children a sense of belonging because the host spoke to the children as if one on one, and made them feel welcome just the way they were, and gave them tools to deal with everyday emotions like anger, fear, sadness, and love....

This song is about anger, the video follows. 

What do you do with the mad that you feel,  
When you get so mad that you could bite?
When the whole wide world seems oh so wrong, 
And nothing you do seems very right?
What do you do?
Do you punch a bag?
Do you pound some clay or some dough?
Do you round up friends for a game of tag, 
Or see how fast you go?
It's great to be able to stop when you've planned the thing that's wrong. 
And to be able to do something else instead and think this song...
I can stop when I want to, Can stop when I wish, 
Can stop, stop, stop anytime
And what a good feeling to feel like this, 
And know that the feeling is really mine.
Know that there is something deep inside, 
That helps us become what we can, 
...for a girl can someday be a Woman, 
and a boy can someday be a Man. 
                                  -Mr. Rogers ( song from his show Mr. Roger's Neighborhood)

Monday, May 22, 2017

We start this week off with Digital Readworks.

Please type in the address bar:
The access code for our class is: XZB3NW

Find your name, click on it, your password is: 1234

The assignment today is: Processes

When finished with this lesson, use the tab at the top of the page to review vocabulary and the tab for questions

. When finished, click on Submit.

After this lesson, please go to Aztec, the lesson this week is in Language, 


Foundations: Using Language>Writing Skills>Developing the Topic

Pre-HSE: Writing> Writing Skills> Writing an Essay

GED Prep: Reasoning Through Language Arts> Writing Skills>Elements of an Essay


Digital Readworks

Aztec Learning Software

Monday, May 15, 2017

May 15-18, 2017 Check often this week!

First, Congratulations to all those who graduated! The latest TCHSE Graduates walked across the stage this past Saturday, May 13, at the Ector County Colesium!
 Way to go!!

Check this page each day to check for changes in our classes!  😁

Our work this week will focus on Aztec, some of you are ready to take your GED tests, some are ready to take the Aztec Practice Tests, and some are ready to go to the next level in your studies. Wherever you are in the Aztec system, you will focus on Math this week, when you are finished with the given lesson, go to your DOS!

If you have not done so already, stop by to talk to me about your resume. Most of you will be able to pick up your disk/flash drive, I have notes in each of the sleeves.


Foundations:  Mathematics>Data Analysis>Reading and Creating Graphs & Charts

Pre-HSE: Mathematics>Data Analysis>Reading and Creating Graphs & Charts

GED Prep:  Mathematical Reasoning>Quantitative Problem Solving in Geometry>Geometric Properties and Operations

Monday, May 8, 2017

May 8-11, 2017

We are getting closer to the end of school!  😓 

 You have been working hard! Check out our Upcoming Events page for the Midnight Breakfast Extravaganza and the Bake Sale on Wednesday that benefits the "No Kid Hungry". It will make a nice change of pace if you take the time to visit and have fun! You will show your student ID at the door, if you DO NOT have your ID yet... it's OK, just give them your name, they will have a list of our students 👌

If you have any questions about taking the GED, please come visit with me or Ms. Pina. I can help you set up your account.

This week, we are continuing to work on the Resume Editing if needed, if you want extra work in Word 2013, there is a lesson for you, and Aztec lessons are a must!

Monday/Tuesday  The Word 2013 lesson  is as follows: 
***You must complete this lesson if you want me to write you a reference for your resume!
Open Word 2013> Choose Blank Document> Choose Font-Verdana> Choose font size-12> Type in Name, Homeroom, Date> New paragraph- Type in "Job Qualifications I have"> New paragraph- Choose Bullet> Type in list of qualifications> Choose File>from drop down box, choose Print> From dialogue box choose LaserJet 2300printer> Choose Print> Close document> from dialogue box choose don't save. 
Turn in the document!
Wednesday/Thursday Aztec Software: 
(if completed already, work in DOS!)

Foundations: Using Language>Writing Skills>Types of Writing

Pre-HSE: Reading> Specific Reading Skills> Reading Literature

GED-Prep:  Reasoning Through Language Arts> Analyzing                               Texts> Comparing Texts


Aztec Learning Software

Also check out our upcoming events page!  there are new updates!

Sunday, April 30, 2017

May 1-4, 2017

Happy May Day to you all!     

Notice there is a new 'button' next to the 'Home' button on the ribbon above. This 'RESUME Tips' page is to help with examples, snippets of articles, and links to pages filled with templates, examples, and hints... USE IT!

For anyone who has not completed the resume, that will be the challenge this week... finish it! 

 Turn in your Flash Drive or CD-R at the end of the class so I am able to comment or add information, this is an assignment.

I've had questions about no work experience, which is valid if you are still in school. There are several links at the bottom of this article to take you to examples, one with a lot of explanation, a lot is reiterating what I have shared in class.

For those who are finished, AZTEC

Foundations: Math>Preparing for Algebra> Writing Basic Equations

Pre-HSE: Mathematics>Solving Linear Equations and Inequalities> Understanding Algebra

GED Prep: Mathematical Reasoning>Algebraic Problem Solving with Graphs and Functions> Functions 

Thank you so much for making the effort, I do understand that it is getting close to the end of the school year, some of you are anxious to finish your lessons and get the testing over with. 

We will work in the Aztec Software as much as possible after the resumes are completed.

Links for the week:

Aztec Learning Software

Resume examples

Resume example for no experience with explanation

Another Resume example for no work experience

Resume example for lots of experience

Cover Letter example    
 *Don't get sidelined on these pages. * Look at the example, don't start looking around and downloading things. Just scroll down to read the examples!

Saturday, April 22, 2017

April 24- 27, 2017

Since the resume work is taking shape, we will continue to work on them. I have looked at many of the beginnings on your disks or flash drives, and they are looking good. 

The Cover Letters are important, they catch the eye of the potential hiring agent.  I recently spoke with several people that I admire, from different businesses. Each one responsible for hiring, whether as Personnel Director or as the actual owner of a company. They all say the same thing, the Cover Letter is what they notice, what makes or breaks the hire. 

So, we will go over your cover letters a bit more, hone them. You may have an extra file on your disk. If it has my name on it, open it before you do anything else. Read it!

If you do have something from me, it is because I  am trying to go through and comment on anything that I have to offer to you about your cover letter or resume. This seemed like a simple way to do it. 

You still need to work in Aztec, whether it is before or after classes, or at home, the Learning Resource Center or wherever you have access to a computer. 

This week the Aztec Lesson is:

Foundations: Math> Everyday Math Skills> Math Problems with Multiple Operations

Pre-HSEMathematics>Function and Graphs>basics of Functions

GED-PrepSocial Studies> History and Economics>Macro, Micro, and Consumer Economics

Links for this week:

What is a Resume?
Writing a Cover Letter- Tips

Cover Letter Builder (good site!) Good examples

Chronological format Resume(Most common)

School to Work Resume Sample (yes, you need one! Keeping your educational gains organized will show your potential. Keeping track of teachers and staff that can give you references is great, as well as certificates you have earned (think about the Ready for Work section of Aztec! There are certificates to earn for completing each section and for completing the whole RFW!)

Combinations Resume- No Paid Work Experience (yep, even one for this! If you have volunteered a lot, whether it is within schools, churches, other organizations, you need to keep track of those experiences. Record names of people that can vouch for your work: School staff; secretaries, teachers, civic leaders, organization members and staff)

Bookkeeper resume sample

Entry Level Nursing Assistant Resume
Yes, you need a resume, and if you work as an aid, you will want to keep up with all of the personal development that you have. Put it on the resume! Keep track of supervisors, etc on the reference pages!
 Construction/Carpenter's Assistant Resume (yes, you need one!)

Housekeeping or Janitor resume (yes, you need one! especially for the references. Keep track of people you have worked for on the reference sheet! It truly does help to keep things like this organized instead of relying on memory)

Thursday, April 13, 2017

April 17-20, 2017 IMPORTANT INFO! check several times during the week

This week we are all working on our resume!

This is an important step for your future, please be prepared to come to class and spend as much time as possible creating and editing your resume. 

Have your work experience, schooling, certificates if any listed. Think about your attributes. What is it that you can bring to the employer that they need? 

Remember if you have or want to purchase a flash drive, you do not have to have a large one. If you cannot or do not wish to have a flash drive, we will have CD-R (thanks to Ms. Piña who is going to provide them for us at no cost). I need to know ahead of time so that we can make sure there are enough to go around. 

The lesson is going to revolve around creating your cover letter and the actual resume. On Monday, we are going to read from this site, ResumeGuys, which is marvelous at explaining what you need and what you don't in your resume. 

Most of us will create a chronological resume. You can choose a different format if you think it will benefit you, this will become clear when we are reading and working during class. 

This is a real resume  so make it neat, tidy, naturally truthful. 

If you already have a resume- 
Bring it to class. If it is on a disk or a flash drive that is great, it can be printed as well. 
We will go over it and polish it up to make it look it's best!

👷 Remember, this site is under construction👷 Come back often!

***I've added a few links to my Live Binders (remember that you can access this by the link at the left of this page). The links are under Computer Literacy and deal with resumes. 

Check out Youtube for any videos on creating resumes.

LINKS for this week:

Interview Guys- Resume 101 - GREAT SITE!

Writing a Cover Letter- Tips

What is a Resume? Good examples

Chronological format Resume(Most common)

Housekeeping or Janitor resume (yes, you need one!)

School to Work Resume Sample (yes, you need one!)

Combinations Resume- No Paid Work Experience (yep, even one for this!)

Thursday, April 6, 2017

April 10-13, 2017-----Important information!

All Students~ You will need to bring ---NEXT WEEK (April 17-20)--- a USB Flash Drive. It can be the smallest possible (32MB).  If you do not have or cannot buy a flash drive, you can use a CD-R disk,  Ms. Piña has graciously offered to donate some.
If you are unable to buy the flash drive, please let me know in advance.

We will be working on our Resumes next week (April 17-20) So be prepared to write out all of your jobs, from current back, have phone numbers and/or addresses for your previous employers... as well as a list of your education, any certificates you have earned, and think about your skills... what are the skills that you think an Employer would like to have in a worker?

New Students~ You will be working in your Aztec DOS again this week, do as much work as possible, next week you will join the returning students in all of the work that is assigned.

Returning Students~ 

AZTEC~ Language:

Foundations:  Aztec's Foundations Reading> Looking at Stories>  Point of View

Pre-HSE: Reading> General Reading Skills>  Drawing Conclusions in Reading

GED Prep –Reasoning Through Language Arts > Analyzing Texts>The Structure of Texts

LINKS for this week:


Monday, April 3, 2017


All Students! There is a survey to fill out at
It is a survey on our cities water supply. Please go to the site, choose the link that reads: "Survey for Residential Input" and fill out the survey. You DO NOT have to fill in your email address unless you would like to have the survey results sent to you. 
There is a "CAPTCHA" to fill in, this is a code to verify that you are not a robot.  Fill that in and submit. 

New Students: 

You will be moved from the Ready for Work today, into your assigned lesson plan in Aztec. You have your specific DOS and lesson on your Log-In sheet, that is where you will work this week.

Thank you to all of you who actually finished the lesson assigned. 

Returning Students:

You will be working on this lesson:

The  Tang and Song Dynasties in China

Log in to your account and go to this passage. 

Read this passage,  IF you do not have an account, please create one!

The rest of the week you will be working in:

 Aztec: Math

Foundations:Math> Preparing for Algebra>Writing Basic Equations

Pre HSE: Mathematics>The Cost of Living> Introduction to Math Problem Solving

GED Prep-Mathematical Reasoning> Algebraic Problem Solving with Expressions> Interpreting and Writing Expressions

LINKS for this week: