Saturday, December 31, 2016

2017, Full of Promises

Wishing all a very Happy New Year!

What are your goals for the year 2017?

Make a list, put it in order from most to least important goal to obtain...

I see the new year as a time to prioritize what I want in life. My list is pretty short this year, it is full of "making time for my family" or "getting organized"... But in years past, I have had many different objectives. One year, it was creating a garden from scratch. another year it was finding a new job.

What one goal is top of the list for you?


Monday, December 5, 2016

This is our last full week before the holidays. Use the time to finish up any class work that may be lagging.

We are working on a revised Resume Cover Letter. Do the cover sheet in WordPAD today. It is crucial that you follow directions! The spacing, margins, indentation as well as spelling, grammar and punctuation should correct today. Print out.

I am adding a page on Employment skills, you can visit it to see what has been posted.

Thursday is our Christmas Party, your homeroom teacher should have a list of what to bring.

The 12th and 13th are GED Institute days, you are expected to attend. Use this time wisely to get ahead in your classes and move one more step closer to graduation.

We had three students in the past week to graduate!

Amanda C.
Georgia C.
Christina N.

Please congratulate them on their accomplishment!