Monday, October 31, 2016

How to Succeed!

We have new submissions posted on the Writing page, please review your own submission and read those of your classmates. You will get an idea of what others think about Success.

There is also a Poll at the right of this page, please enter your answer to the question: What does it take to Succeed?

Sunday, October 30, 2016

It is the beginning of a new week, and we will be working on WordPad during Monday/Tuesday class. 

The subject for the Paragraph you will write is: How do you Succeed?

Think about ways that you can succeed. What are some of the things you need to do, some of the things you need to think about to get ahead not only in school, but in day to day life.

It might be certain things for which you take responsibility, like being on time, like knowing what is expected of you, or how to ask for help...

 essential qualities:

1) personal responsibility, 

2) self-motivation, 

3) self-management, 
4) independence,

5) interdependence, 

6) self-awareness, 

7) thirst for learning, 

8) emotional intelligence,

9) realistic self-confidence.  

To me, several of these traits stand out above the others.
What is responsibility?  

 The state of being answerable, or accountable for something within one's power, control, or management.
This is, for me, one of the most important traits in any person.  
Being on time, keeping up with paperwork, turning in lessons on time, paying bills on time, in general, taking care of business.  Finding a way to achieve what you need to do, on time, brings self-management, self-confidence, independence, and
Those are qualities

Emotional intelligence? How do you obtain emotional intelligence? 

Psychology Today explains the term as: 

1. Emotional awareness, including the ability to identify your own emotions and those of others;
2. The ability to harness emotions and apply them to tasks like thinking and problems solving;
3. The ability to manage emotions, including the ability to regulate your own emotions, and the ability to cheer up or calm down another person.

Wow! Wouldn't it be wonderful if we all could be aware of our emotions? Even better if we could regulate them and to be aware enough to help other people?

I suppose, the way to achieve it is to stop and think about what you are feeling at the time, what would be the correct way to handle the emotions... like if you are angry, you could try to understand why you are feeling that way, what brought on the anger, and how to deal with it. Is there a way you could have avoided the situation you are in? Is there something you could have said or done that would have helped the situation?

Another important, but really difficult attribute is thirsting for knowledge... Wanting to learn, striving to learn, wanting to better yourself, your situation, is necessary to achieving any goal. 

Thirsting for learning comes easy for some people, but not for others... It can be learned, though. Think about learning as gaining power... We all want more power, right? We all want to be able to guide our destiny, and learning does that... the more you know, the more you are able to use that knowledge to control your own life. 

Interdependence is an amazing subject, being able to rely on someone else as well  as being independent, is hard to achieve. Trusting someone else takes time and effort, and is important to being able to grow your self confidence, your ability to work with others, and in your own ability to see yourself to succeed.  

We tend to close ourselves off from other people, especially when we have been hurt, betrayed, or treated wrongly. It takes time to gain the confidence to allow someone else to help you, but what better way to do that very thing, to allow a teacher or person you can look up to, to help you. 

One of the best lessons I ever learned was to find someone that I thought was doing well for themselves, and to ask what it was that helped them succeed. 

I asked several people. 

Things that they did were pretty much the same...

They worked hard

They asked for help when they needed it, and 

They worked harder. 

Is that it? Does working hard mean you will succeed?  Some people work hard their whole lives but don't end up rich, maybe they have problems off and on their whole lives... 

But most will tell you, in the end, it isn't about having riches, glory, or fame. 

It is about who you have around you, what you do during your lifetime that makes you happy, and helping others along the way. 

Sounds easy, huh?

There are no easy answers as to how to succeed... but... Having a plan will start you on the way. 

Think about it! 

Write the paragraph, it will be included on the blog, so you can either email me or if you are not on a computer that will send to printer (along the back wall) you will save as * your name, and to desktop!

Our goal in class is to have the ability to  use the keyboard with confidence, thoughtfulness in writing, and  ease of using email to communicate. 

We will also discuss internet safety during the week.  

Friday, October 21, 2016

The close of another week.
Our first week of actual classes went pretty well, maybe a few mix ups with finding your classes and learning your schedules, but you did great!

This week was pretty hectic in the Computer Lab. Everyone knows that we have x amount of computers, and y amount of students, which equals more than the amount of z(the total of computers+Kindles available)  So it was quite disorganized for a couple of days.

I am happy to say, we now have access to more Kindles and more of you are bringing your own laptops to be able to work on Aztec!  Thank you for your patience.

Having a large class is great! I love to see each and every one of you, but I'm also sad that we are unable to accommodate all with a terminal, so we will have a seating arrangement beginning next week. This will help rotate computer use.

 Will you bring your computer each week? If so, you will sign in to our class... and then take a seat in Room 202. You are on your honor to continue to do your work for the day.

The daily assignments will be written on the board in the Computer Lab.

 Using a Kindle?---

                  Check out the Kindle, using the sign out sheet, then either sit at the middle aisle or take the Kindle to Room 202.
Please remember,  you are on the honor system.

 Using the Aztec Software is for your benefit... The more you use it, the faster and better you will get through the GED test. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Long Weekend!

Hope you all enjoy the long weekend, remember to spend a few minutes a day learning something new.

If you have a Facebook account, stop by to see our new social page. There will be posts updating our assignments and you may comment and post news and events or questions that you might have.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Last Day of Orientation Schedule

Today is the last day of the orientation schedule, we will resume regular class schedule on Monday, October 17th. Thank you for your patience and willingness to work on your own.

On October 10th and 11th, returning students will be in room 216 with Ms Pina, New students will be in classrooms with teachers.

Returning students: You will not have classes on Wednesday, October 12.

Returning students: You will not have class on Thursday, October 13

We have a new social media page, please follow  if you are on Facebook.

I will post daily lessons and you may comment or add news, pictures, or questions to the page.

If this page helps, I may start a Twitter page as well.

Thank you for taking time to check in!

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

 Remember you are on the honor system tomorrow, Thursday, October 5th, for the last day of new student orientation.
Please go to to work for 5 minutes on keyboard skills... then on to Aztec to work the remainder of class.

GED Prep: work in Science
Pre-HSE: work in Math
Foundations: work in Math

Thank you for working so hard, you are changing your life with each bit of knowledge you put into your brain.

We are still having blog submissions trickle in. Thank you for putting in the effort to get them to me.

We have had a problem with email at the college... so please be patient if you have submitted yours and do not see it.

We have also had a problem with attaching a few. If you have used One Note to write your submission... see me.  I will be in 203 tomorrow, Thursday, Oct. 5 just after class is out. Be patient, I'm in Wilkerson Hall testing the new students.