Thursday, September 29, 2016

All Blog Submissions are due today.

There are so many wonderful submissions to this project! I am very proud of all of you for taking the time to actually send them in.
There are several that are superb. Those students have taken time to really delve deeper into writing and have taken the time to really boost their skills.

If you do not see your post by tomorrow, check with me.
There were several people that I know sent submissions and they didn't go through for whatever reason. We will work on that.

Thank you for your work!
Ms Covert

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Wednesday Submissions

Happy Wednesday to you all!

We have new submissions in several categories today, please go by and visit the different pages (click on the tabs above to navigate the blog)

Upcoming Events

Give a big round of applause to those who have struggled with learning how to use WordPad, Word2013, Paint, and emails! It's tough when you first learn to work with these, and you have really stepped up and tried hard!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Submissions to the Blog!

We are seeing submissions trickle in. So far, we have one in each of the following catagories:

Thank you for working on this, I hope that you are enjoying the project... remember, submissions are due on Thursday, Sept. 29. I know that ECISD is out of school that day, but we are in class! Submissions are due!

Monday, September 26, 2016

First Article entered!

We have our first blog post by a student. Thank you to Sylvia Moreno for her interview with Fernando Moreno. You can read the interview in it's entirety on the "Interview Page"
                                                                                   ~ Ms. Covert

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Reminder about Blog entries

 You can subscribe to the blog
 using the subscribe button  that says
 "Follow by Email" 
on the left hand side.
 Simply enter your email and click "Submit"... 
 Updates will be sent to your email address.

Another reminder... the first submissions for the blog are due by Sept 29th.  No exceptions.

We will go over the use of WordPad, Word 2013, and Paint in class on Monday and Tuesday.  Be in class on time!

Tip of the Day:

Make a graphic using Canva or PicMonkey...
Both sites  are free, fun and simple to use. 

Monday, September 19, 2016

Starting Our Blog

Here it is the middle of September already. The weather is cooling off, classes are well underway, and you are already progress testing. 

It’s time to have some fun in Computer Lab. 

You will be working in Aztec still, you need to continue working in your DOS, but we will, as discussed in class, start contributing to your class “blog”.

If you have not read a blog, it is time to start now. There are some really great, informational and fun blogs out there, and you can begin with looking at different blogs at Blogger, Wordpress or Weebly

A great idea for those of you who love to write… start your own blog, you will be able to link an article or graphic to your own site on this page. I will help you set up your own blog, you basically only need an email to start one. There are several platforms that you can use that are totally free, no strings attached.

Another great idea for those who love to write… join the 31Days writing challenge. It begins October 1st and runs through October 31… You don’t have to have a blog to do this, but if you want to join the community, it is a great way to share… or have a Facebook or other Social media page to post to…. you can find the information at or ask me for more information. 

Some ideas to get you started:

1. Write an article:
  •    Write an article about a subject that you are studying that is very thought provoking.
  •           A review of a book 
  •            A review of a movie that you really like, it  doesn't have to be a recent film, it can be vintage.
  •     Write about what you want to do after you have completed this course.
  •            Write an article on the upcoming election. **Needless to say, keep it fact based, no name calling, and nothing distasteful. 
  •              An article on what type of classes you would like to see added to this program.  

2. Interview Someone:

·               Teacher
·         Director
·         Boss
·         Nurse
·         Police
·         Fire
·         Coach
·         Weatherman
·         Reporter
·         Welder
·         Oilfield worker
·         Artist
~Ask different questions  but ascertain how long they have had their job,  What one thing makes them happy about their job,  what one specific class helped them in their work,  How much schooling do they have and  do they still take classes?

Permian/OHS Game 2013
3. Write or report 
  a Sports Story:

·         Write two paragraphs on the reason the UTPB football game was cancelled on Sept.17, 2016 and how they rescheduled.
·         Write a summary of a game you recently watched.
·         Write the scores for 5 different events (can be local, state, national)

Drawn in Paint, by Marie Covert
4. Draw a graphic:

  •  Draw a Venn Diagram  to illustrate how your classes overlap...use Paint to create.
  •   Draw a picture using Paint. **You don’t have to be Rembrandt, just try out the program. 
  •   Draw a graphic  or…Make a graphic for the Blog header or for a graphic on the sidebar to link to a different page.

**If making a header for the page-the size should be 1300x250 px
If making a graphic for the sidebar, use 700x500px
Picture edited in PicMonkey by Marie Covert
Use or PicMonkey to create graphics

  •      Edit a picture using an online program like PicMonkey include a frame and at least two other  elements to change the look of the picture.

5. Submit a Picture:

  •  Your class working hard on a project
Clifton Suspension Bridge, Bristol, England
  •   A project you made for a class
  •  The campus
  •  Local park
  •  A group of your classmates studying together
  •  Weather Event
  •    Sports Event on or off campus.
6. A Cartoon:

  •  Of the election  *Keep it within good taste
  •  On raising kids
  •  Relating to test taking
  •  About a subject in school

 ***After consideration, I will allow your contribution to Write 31 Days to be part of the class project. You must contribute each day, without missing, and you must submit to me what media that you are using (if it is on a blog, twitter, facebook, etc... or if you are writing in a journal, it must be where I can scan it  from time to time. I will not take scans daily, but will check up on you. ***

 *First contributions are due by Sept 28th for Mon/Wed. classes, on Sept 29 for Tue/Thurs. classes.
If you are having problems working in WordPad or Word, let me know. 
If you are having problems working in Paint... let me know
If you are working in a any of the graphic software and have problems... Let me know. 

I am here to help you.

Whatever you choose, remember to include your name, date of submission and any links that you have to include with the article or graphic.

Send  all submissions to me, at the email address that I have given you… if you need it again, please see me.  We will keep all personal emails off this page please (This is a safety issue).  
Do not include even a business email for anyone unless you have their written permission first, and secondly, clear it with me.  

Links can be to pages such as Facebook, Imgur, Twitter, Flicker, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumbler, Google+, Youtube, LinkedIn, Reddit, Vine, FourSquare, Digg, Yelp, or other social media. (use google search to find those without links)

Enjoy this!  
Make it something you would be proud of other people reading.

Marie Covert

 Computer Literacy
Odessa College ABE/GED Dpt.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Ready for Blogging

Here it is, already the middle of September, classes are well underway, you have met your one month goals and are progress testing...

That's great!

Now comes some time for exploring your potential!  You are challenged to find a name for the blog, create some pizazz for the page, and fill it up with your news!

You are to submit your article, original artwork (cartoon, picture, video), or some type of  news or views to the blog. You may use my email address to submit the article.

For an article~~~ article  must be written in WordPad or Word 2013, Keep them under 500 words....
For artwork~~~~ it must be submitted in png or jpg format, videos must be less than 5 minutes long).

Your work must be original.

You must include your name, date written, and that it is for OC ABE/GED 

Ideas for articles:

Write about what you are studying currently in Social Studies
Create a math equation for students to solve
Create a Venn Diagram to show how your studies overlap(what subjects do you use to understand math problems?)

Write a review:
 of a movie you have recently seen.
 of a book you recently read.
Submit a:
picture of your Science Project
cartoon about taking the GED
picture of a weather map
drawing of the campus
picture of your class hard at work on a project
Graphic made with or
Interview your teacher, director, boss, weatherman, nurse, librarian, police, fire, local sheriff. Ask them how they became____; How long they have been in that position; What one thing about their job makes them happy; What subject in school has really helped them in their job; What one subject they wish they had taken in school; did they attend college if so, how long?

Score outcomes for 5 separate events (ie. 5 College football games or...3 football games, 2 baseball games,they can be local, state, national)