Tobacco Policy Banner.png
Odessa College programs including 30 for 30 and the Wrangler Fit Challenge demonstrate our commitment to promoting healthy lifestyles and behaviors; and this August, the Board of Trustees approved a new tobacco policy:

Effective March 13, 2017

The Odessa College District prohibits smoking and the use of tobacco products and e-cigarettes on College District property, in College District vehicles, and at College District-related activities, unless the use is in a designated area approved by the College President.
The use of tobacco products is only permitted at designated smoking areas on the Odessa College campus. Designated smoking areas are no closer than 30 feet to building entrances and have been identified and clearly marked as smoking areas. To see a campus map showing the designated smoking areas, click here. Receptacles for extinguishing smoking materials have been placed in appropriate locations on campus.
Tobacco use at the Andrews,  Monahans and Pecos extension centers as well as the American Legion Field and Graham Center is prohibited within 30 feet of the building/facility entrances.
Non-smoking signs and notices will be updated at each entrance to campus buildings. The tobacco policy applies to all employees, students, independent contractors, and visitors.
Odessa College asks for your cooperation in abiding by the tobacco policy and reminding others to use the designated smoking areas at all times. The policy was designed to be respectful of tobacco and nontobacco users alike, and is intended to allow everyone the opportunity to enter all Odessa College facilities without encountering a smoke-filled environment. The only way this policy can be effective is if all of us ask individuals not abiding by the policy to please show the proper courtesy to others. Thank you for your assistance.